Disease-ridden rodents have taken claim to your house, laying droppings and terrorizing your family. Rats! Many different species of rats can inhabit your Coconut Creek home, including roof rats and Norway rats. Both of these rat species have disproportionately large snouts and tails yet range in size and color. Rats may be elusive, but they typically leave signs of their presence. Identifying the problem is critical to eliminating a rat infestation.

Signs Of Rodents In Your Coconut Creek Home

Rats adeptly conceal themselves; however, they still leave signs of their presence. Here are some signs you’re dealing with a rat infestation:

  • The attic is a haven for rats. If you hear noises from above, they may be coming from an army of rats.
  • Rats tear soft materials like cotton and twigs to create nests. If you see a pile of soft materials inconspicuously located in a crawl space, you may have a rat infestation.
  • Do you see smear marks akin to brown sludge along pipes or walls? Rats may be responsible.
  • Burrows near your garbage, another sanctuary for rats, are another sure sign of a rat infestation. Though this sign does not necessarily indicate that rats have infiltrated your home, rats may be the culprit.
  • Infestations could lead to an influx of dead rats appearing in your swimming pool or in your dog’s mouth.
  • Because rats gravitate toward unused, dust-ridden areas of your home, they could leave footprints in dust. Identifying this sign may be the first step in eliminating a rat infestation.
  • Rats leave small bite marks on food containers. If you see scattered bite marks around your leftovers, you may have a rat infestation.

Damage To Your Coconut Creek Home

The signs of an infestation are not confined to these subtle indicators. Damage to your home is also typical of a rat infestation. To reiterate, rats can damage food containers. Additionally, they dig through the foundation of your home to invade it. Rats chew on wires. They gnaw on wood from doors and walls. They harvest the insulation in walls and ceilings for nesting. In sum, you do not want them in your home.

Diseases Associated With Rats

As you probably already know, rats spread diseases. According to the CDC, rats commonly spread ten different illnesses, including:

  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
  • Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome
  • Lassa Fever
  • Leptospirosis
  • Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis
  • Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever
  • Rat-Bite Fever
  • Salmonellosis
  • South American Arenaviruses
  • Tularemia

As a result of these problems, it’s important to implement preventative techniques to keep rats out of your Coconut Creek home.


Though eliminating an existing rat infestation is difficult to achieve on your own, preventing future infestations is manageable. To prevent an infestation, make sure to seal gaps and holes with wire wool, metal kick plates, or cement. Any small opening can provide a rat with a convenient entry point into your home. Block all chimneys with a spark arrester and conceal all craw spaces with a cover. If rats do not have refuge, they are unlikely to thrive in your home. Conceal Food Sources. Store your food in airtight containers and clean your countertops to strip rats of their food source. Rats are attracted to messy areas, partly because they can conceal themselves beneath the clutter. To prevent a rat infestation, you’ll want to maintain a clean home.

Pro Pest Control Will Solve Your Rodent Problem

There is a reason why wooden traps are known as the prototypical rat killers. Wooden snap traps are effective tools for eliminating a smaller rat infestation. Make sure to set up multiple traps scattered around your house, particularly in corners and near walls. Like other rodents, rats love bacon, chocolate, and peanut butter. Attach those treats to the trap, and wait for the rats to come.

For most rat infestations, however, make sure to call the professionals. Traps are ineffective for larger infestations. Rats will learn to circumvent the traps, rendering them useless. Rats can even learn to eat the bait off a trap without triggering it. In the end, it’s best to work with a professional who specializes in rodent control. Our team of experts at Pro Pest Control has the tools and experience to get the job done right. If your infestation has inundated you, it’s time to partner with the professionals. Reach out to Pro Pest Control today to learn more about our rodent control options.


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