Coconut Creek is in Broward County and has 105-acres of parks. All kinds of attractions lure lovers of outdoor activities to enjoy these beautiful landscapes. If recreation is your love, the entire family can stay entertained with multiple outdoor amenities. With so many recreational activities, well-manicured grassy areas are a must, but there is a fungus out there that can put a damper on outdoor “carpets.”

What Does Turf Fungus In My Coconut Creek Lawn Look Like?

No matter how well you take care of your body, you will still experience sickness. Lawn care is no different. Even after meticulous care, lawns can sometimes get sick and need tender loving care. Fungus problems can come through the air or may already be in the soil. Even the weather conditions outside can predispose your yard to sickness; therefore, it is wise for homeowners to take note of some “symptoms” that might start popping up that may indicate a need for lawn service.

Five indications of turf fungus problems are as follows:

1. Pink, black, or gray powder or threads around or on grass blades

2. Spots on blades or stems that are purple, red, orange, black, or gray

3. Dark areas (may look wet, greasy, or slimy) on the grass.

4. Patches/rings of yellow, brown, or white that expand.

5. Frayed or thin patches of grass or grass blades that are discolored

How Bad Is Turf Fungus For My Coconut Creek Lawn?

Turfgrass fungi are tricky because plant pathogens that attack the turf are often biological; you can’t see the pathogens, so you won’t know that your turfgrass is under attack. Most won’t recognize that a problem is brewing until they go outside one day and see discolorations or rings in their yard.

Another issue with lawn care is misdiagnosis, which leads to lawn service treatments that may further damage grasses. Whether you are a yard novice or an expert, yards can come under attack suddenly. Because particular turf fungi can spread and make the rest of your yard “sick,” it is best to identify the disease and get it treated with proper lawn management services.

What Causes Turf Fungus In Coconut Creek Lawns?

You can’t control biological organisms that may land in your yard. Being aware of conditions that invite fungus problems to develop can aid homeowners in preventing turf fungus’s taking over their yard.

Seven conditions that cause fungus problems include:

1. Overwatering

2. Drought

3. Not mowing correctly (too low)

4. Planting the wrong grass

5. Weather conditions

6. The wrong or too much fertilizer

7. Soil that is compacted

The Best Way To Treat Turf Fungus In Coconut Creek Lawns

Taking pride in your lawn takes a lot of time and energy to maintain. Since turfgrass fungus often begins its attack unnoticed, it can be challenging to treat. Pro Pest Control’s professional lawn services in Margate can help you assess your lawn’s health and construct a plan to keep it healthy and lush. The best way to fight turfgrass attacks is by setting up lawn management services with Pro Pest Control.

With so many different fungus attacks, lawn care service plans can help identify fungus problems, check for conditions that may facilitate fungus, and use appropriate methods to correct any issues. Call Pro Pest Control today and let us help keep your lawn thriving.


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